SPR P. vannamei Broodstock "Selected for Asian Conditions" V101 Broodstock Fact Sheet | • Biosecure Broodstock Facility – our broodstock facility has been certified “disease-free” by the Thai Department of Fisheries for the required two-year period. All of our broodstock are raised indoor under biosecure conditions. • Export Permit – we have a Government certifed Export Permit for sale of disease-free P. vannamei (broodstock, post-larvae, and nauplii) • Performance and Selection – we select the top 3% of our broodstock based on pond performance data (fast growth and disease resistance) under Asian growing conditions • Broodstock Quality – our 5th generation broodstock are tested by the Thai Department of Fisheries prior to each shipment. We select animals in their reproductive prime between the ages of 8-10 months. | Hatchery and Pond Performance | - Maturation performance - high fecundity levels ranging from 12-18% spawning rate per night. Average of 150-200,000 nauplii per spawn over a 4 month period
- Larval rearing - consistently >50% survival in the hatchery
- Intensive Grow-out - 1.5-1.7 g/week up to 33g in 23 weeks under high density 130/m2 pond culture conditions
| Broodstock Packing and Shipping Information | - Health Certicate included with each shipment
- 40 grams for females; 35 grams for males
- 7-8 broodstock per box
- 8-10 months in age targeted
- Selection of undamaged, healthy broodstock
- Packing water temperature - 15-17C C; arrives at 20-22
- pH - 8.0
- Guarantee 95% survival
- Technical Support from vannamei 101 technical staff
| Pond Grow-out Performance Data: | - Stocking Density - 150 to 200 post-larvae / m2
- Harvest Size - 40 count (pieces/kilo) at 80/m2 after 120 days
- Partial Harvest - 2-4 partial harvests prior to final harvest
- Carrying Capacity (biomass) - No more than 24,000 kilos per hectare
- FCR - 1.6 to 1.8
- Survival (average) - 80% overall survival rate
- Aeration - 45hp per hectare
- Feed - 35+% protein
- Probiotics - blend and monitoring of bacterial populations
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